My adventure with art began when I was four — a friend and I made a tea set with dirt, a water hydrant and a board to bake our dishes on in the hot Arizona sun.
The end result was not what we expected, but the process was fun and unforgettable — a memory for two little girls covered with mud.
A third grade art/religion class in Colorado opened a new avenue of color, drawing and stories. At nine I learned weaving on a CVhimao floor loom in Santa Fe. I gained a love and appreciation of the unique and beautiful art and landscapes surrounding me and a passion to create — painting, pottery, fiber arts. I paint places I have been in a slightly impressionistic style, leaving some of the finishing to the imagination of the observer. While the end results are still not always what I expect, I love the process — the journey … the story. Education: University of Northern Colorado – Art minor. Numerous workshops and experiences. |